AniQuote #10

"I haven't lived a privileged life as you seem to think. If your upbringing limits the circle of people you interact with, I suggest that you do not get involved with me." — Violet Evergarden ( Violet Evergarden ) People gather with the same interests and standards in life, that's a known fact. Also, people imply upon others their way of life as they seem to think it is the right thing to be rather than respecting the life others are living at the moment. Rude, I may say. "If your upbringing limits the circle of people you interact with, I suggest that you do not get involved with me." If your lifestyle doesn't match theirs, why even bother fitting in and compromise? It's better if you go on with your life and treat those people as strangers because let's be honest here, nobody wants fake friends who are there just for the advantage and hopefully be there when they're at a disadvantage as well just to keep friendships as ...