AniQuote #05

 "I thought I'd come to understand them a little, but people's emotions are extremely complicated and delicate.
Not everyone puts all of their feelings into words. People can be contrary or at times, untruthful.
I can't decipher them accurately. It's proving all too difficult for me.

Emotions are really confusing for some. Why does it make you feel happy when someone loves you? And why does it make you sad when someone you love passes away? In most cases, emotions will only be conveyed by the user through body language and not by words because when words are the medium used, it may sound cheesy to some and somewhat awkward. Some may say, "A picture paints a thousand words" but in my case (and for everybody else out of the norm) I say, "Words can mean as much as a thousand paintings" (Probably an original quote from me, hmm...). With the right emotion (body language or facial expression) and words to deliver, it will impact more than just crying or laughing alone.

"People can be contrary or at times, untruthful. I can't decipher them accurately. It's proving all too difficult for me."

 Of course, most of the time people contradict what they say and what they actually do. It is impossible to find out one's true motive unless you share a bond far deeper than friendship—a bond that's based on trust.

So on whatever or whenever always guard your heart and mind. Never be too trusting on anyone, not even your own blood. Only trust yourself fully and no one else.


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